About Womens Healing Practices
You may be called to begin your healing journey because;
You do not like your body and you compare yourself constantly to other women
You are addicted to food/social media/substances.
You feel disconnected from your body & sexual pleasure
You have a physical condition that is asking you to care for your body in a new way.
You are attracting the same kind of relationship patterns over and over again
You are constantly trying to meet others standards and would like to tap into your own inner guidance
You have difficulty creating healthy boundaries and/or time to nourish yourself.
Your body feels shut down/numbed out
You feel unsupported
You feel a deep sense of unworthiness.
You crave a deeper feeling of being ‘met’, fulfilled and expressed
You want to feel FREE to express yourself in a bigger, more authentic, way
You find yourself sabotaging your efforts to move forward
You want to do life, sex & relationships in a different way.
Any age is a good age to create an empowering relationship with yourself.
You may be finally in a position to reclaim your true self after years in disempowering relationships or you may be fresh on your path to womanhood and craving wise direction.
These energetic practices work on ALL bodies, all ages, all cultures. If you have a body you can find more awesome ways to be in it !!!
Read on to find out how these practices can serve you to be a healthier, happier you.

Irene- Holland
" I have discovered a profound self love I have never experienced before, and I am able to listen to my own inner voice with a new clarity and awareness."

"I feel like a completely different person, I feel incredible finally having found my inner feminine through the exercises we have done. This work is very powerful! With all my heart, thank you."

"I have taken other courses from various Shakti and Taoist teachers but yours are by far the best!"
Healing is the process of coming back to wholeness, sovereignty & vitality.
What are womens healing practices?
They are practices and processes that connect women to the healing energy in their body.
They are techniques which empower women to utilise their connection to their own body to heal themselves naturally.
The practices empower women to work with their emotions skilfully and release tension and trauma from their bodies.
They are embodiment tools that develop a womans ability to understand and feel good about herself.
They are practices informed by the knowledge of various traditions which recognise womens bodies as inherently sacred and powerful.
They are self-empowerment skills that can be adapted to meet the needs of women of different ages and cultures.

If a woman is able to source her energy and wisdom from her body,
She is powerful, she feels it, she knows it, she respects it and she respects herself.
Women's Healing Practices are an effective form of disease prevention and wellness maintenance.
With more stresses than ever before and resulting high rates of depression, sexual health issues, breast cancer and so many other health issues that reflect a lack of inner balance.
There has never been such a need for wellness tools for women.
How do these practices support you:
🌺They connect you to the power and wisdom in your body
When you develop a healthy relationship to your own body this results in a sense of self-worth sourced from inside you. This makes you MUCH less likely to attract and accept unhealthy relationships or get addicted to external sources of pleasure and validation.
🌺They provide you with techniques to resource yourself naturally
In a modern world with an abundance of toxins, pollutants and high stimulus many women are becoming overloaded, stressed and depleted.
These practices provide you with the natural tools to fill yourself back up when you become depleted and maintain vital health without medical intervention.
🌺They are valuable tools to maintain mental health
When you do not have the opportunity and skills to self reflect and digest your experience you are much more likely to continue with behaviours and relationships that are destructive rather than nourishing. When you have the physical experience of feeling balanced and nourished, even for a short 20 min practice, this acts as a reference point to return to when you get stressed and out of balance.
These practices show women how to 'self regulate' (bring themselves back into balance) BEFORE things become overwhelming.
🌺They boost sexual health & wellness
The practices create healthy blood flow through the sexual organs, preventing blood and energy stagnation that can lead to sexual health problems. Also because the practices are centred around womb awareness, through regular practice you will become more connected to your 'womb wisdom' guiding you to make wiser choices and create healthy boundaries.
🌺They provide the pathways to recover from trauma
A high percentage of women have experienced some kind of trauma in their life, yet few have the knowledge or resources to receive professional help. These practices are safe and organic tools for releasing and transforming trauma and returning to balance and wholeness.
🌺 They offer you a sense of connection & belonging
Women are inherently social creatures, we actually need to feel a sense of connection in order to be truly happy. Something very special happens when women do these practices together. Women's healing practices provide you with a sense of belonging in your own body.
When you feel this kind of deep connection you feel safe in the world, grounded and able to reach out for support.
🌺They offer different ways to work with emotions
Rather than feeling like you are going crazy for feeling so much, these practices provide healthy forms of expression and ways to work with intense emotions. This way you can channel your energy into creative expression and empower your sense of purpose.
These techniques can be especially valuable and life changing if you experience any of the following;
Low energy, low self worth, depression, numb sexual organs and/or inability to orgasm, unfulfilling sexual experiences and/or sexual trauma, addictions of all kinds, PMS, menopausal symptoms, body image issues, not feeling juicy, excited or inspired by life, lack of confidence, inability to access inner guidance, difficulty with creating healthy boundaries, difficulty in maintaining or attracting healthy fulfilling relationships.
When you feel connected
to the power
in your body..
you will create your life
FROM that deep inner connection
That means having a fulfilling & nourishing sexual life
That means feeling nourished and supported rather than constantly giving away your power and energy through dysfunctional behaviours.
That means having healthy rather than toxic relationships,
That means feeling GOOD in your body and being your authentic self without fear and shame.
Most of us were educated to NOT listen to our bodies.
This is where women's healing practices coming in!
These practices offer you the pathway BACK to your connection to yourself.
With these practices you can begin your journey of healing RIGHT NOW.

A sovereign woman has authority over her own body & life

"I am finally loving and listening to myself, not abandoning myself like I have done my whole life"

“ These womens practices have enabled me to de-armor a lifetime of shame''
I am leading a healing ritual in the goddess hall in Glastonbury, it is 2014.
I am playing my drum and guiding the women through the womb releasing breath, I can feel them letting go of lifetimes of grief in a short period of time.
At this moment I know that I have found my purpose.
Learn more about my story here
WE Do it for our daughters
This healing work is not just for us, when we reclaim a sense of feeling happy and fulfilled in our bodies we become healthy role models for other women.
When we transform our own negative stories around our body, we leave a legacy to the women who come after us, so that they feel beautiful and worthy and powerful as they are.
You can be the change through learning to be in your body in a whole new way.

How do Womens practices change the world?
A happy woman is not an island! She is the epicentre in her family/community/home ground, all of whom will benefit greatly when she taps into her feminine energy.
Truly the world needs healing feminine energy more than ever before!
We are dedicated to making these practices available to those who will benefit from them the most.
Learn more about the Womens Healing Movement here
More details coming soon!