Feminine Empowerment & Life Alignment Online Program

Level 1 of The Wild Sacred Feminine Facilitator Training













Reclaim your Sovereignty

& Anchor into your Feminine Power



Join an online community of sisters over the course over 3 months to receive guidance, support and the skills needed to flourish into connection, passion and authenticity.

Step boldly onto your path of purpose as a wise embodied woman.



Monthly Themes:

September  Anchor into Sexual Vitality & Self Value

 October-  Express Your Authentic Truth in Relationship

November-  Align with Your Power & Purpose




Begins September 2024 


 What are you opening to now?

Whatever it is you are working with/creating and embracing in your life right now:

Alignment is the most vital step!

Working with your energy is an 'inside job' that inevitably leads to massive shifts in your life: When you 'do the work' to step into your power you can guide others to do the same.

This transformational training  is for you if you feel the call to step into your purpose in a new way. You will be guided to connect to your wild wisdom & create solid foundations for your path of inspired purpose.

Bring Forth The Mighty Unashamed You


Tap into your inner superpowers & get comfortable LIVING as the bright and unashamed version of you.

Get Clarity On Your Patterns


Learn to take care of your energy and move through your stuff with skill and love.

Activate Your Inner Compass


Plug into that wild intuitive knowing that guides you on your unique sacred path!

Build Your Confidence From Your Womb Up

Please note:

You do not need to 'get into your masculine' to get things happening, learn how to create your life with EASE, wisdom & magic rather than stress and pressure.



Do you feel the call to connect to your feminine wisdom and power on a deeper level?



Do you sense that the time is NOW

to step into your full powered, deeply resourced self--  So you can do what you are here to do?

Over this powerful 3 month journey you will be guided & held as you

🌹 Connect to the healing power of sacred feminine energy


🌹 Create a life that is in alignment with your deepest truth.

You will be supported in your journey of healing & reclamation & learn powerful energetic tools that you can use in your life, work and relationships. 

YOUR body is the key!

Whereas most women have been guided to ignore, overpower and shame our feminine bodies...

The way we can connect to our sovereignty and sense of self worth is accessed THROUGH the portal of our sacred bodies.

The Wild Sacred Feminine practices connect you to this inner power directly; they are earthy, intuitive, juicy and naturally shamanic energy tools (and they make you feel SO good).

Everyday you will dive into these practices in order to awaken:

that wild unshakeable wisdom & knowing that sets us free and guides the way.

"I must say of all the many things I have tried in my life to feel good and aligned I have found your practices one of the most powerful and feel grateful that I found your work."

Claire - Massage Therapist, UK

This is for:

Women in transition, women at crossroads seeking more meaning & sense of purpose in their lives.

Women who need the space to concentrate on themselves & do 'the inner work'.

Women who want to learn to trust themselves more deeply.

Women who want to heal their sexuality and reclaim an empowering and juicy relationship to their sensual body.

Women who want to release blocks to expression and learn skilful and feminine ways to relate intimately & communicate needs & boundaries.

Women who feel the call to be in a role of support for others in a way that does not deplete them.

Women who want to bring the intimacy, beauty & juice back into her life.

Women who would like to be supported to step into the great unknown & open to new possibilities.

 Join us now & you will be guided

to create clarity, alignment & integrity

in the areas of sex, love and purpose :

A Full Program Of Empowerment & Embodiment Skills

Including guided videos, meditation recordings, reflection practices and energy transmissions.

The Sacred Sovereignty Sessions (1 hr workshops, 2x per month)

Learn HOW to anchor into sovereignty and be held as you do so. In the monthly calls you will receive personal guidance & connect to an online community of awesome conscious women.

Personal Mentoring & Group Support

When it comes to making real life shifts in support is KEY, receive the gifts of a tribe in your corner.

Affordable & Accessible 

We are committed to serving the feminine to rise by helping YOU with quality training and real transformation 


Module 1  Sexual Vitality & Self Value

A Group Journey with the Yoni Wake Up Call

Be guided to connect to the aliveness in your womb and yoni as a pathway to access, and rest into, your feminine power & sense of inherent self value.

Most women hold unprocessed emotional content in the area of their womb. Over the month the space will be held for this to release & transmute in order to open to the new.

In Module 1 we will explore feminine energy practices to awaken sexual vitality and embodied self-connection. Learn HOW to embody the clear & aligned energy of sexual sovereignty in your life & sexuality.


Module 2 Next Level Love & Relating

A Journey with 'Next Level Love'

Sacred relationship is relationship with a shared higher intention. In Module  2 you will prepare for the magic of alchemy & sacred (conscious) relationship.

      ♥️  Learn the art of 'dropping in' to union, deep connection and surrender.

      ♥️  Activate sacred sexual pathways, deepening into presence & authentic expression.

      ♥️  Up-level your communication skills & let go of those shitty outmoded relationship patterns!

This month will be an opportunity to review & revamp the way you are doing relationship, and open more deeply to aligned love.



Module 3 Purpose Alignment

A journey with 'Bring it' 

Be held on a journey to step forward and birth your soul mission FROM your feminine power

We will explore the art of birthing (creating) from essence not effort..from flow not push.

Take the time & receive the support, to connect to, trust and nourish your vision

Receive the support to up and BE the Juicy creative feminine being you are here to be, birthing with flow and ease, in alignment with your highest purpose. 

 Go all in & reap the fruits...

Register now for the full 3 month journey for maximum benefit, and for an awesome price.

      ♥️  This program is a prerequisite to the level 2 facilitator trainings:  Choose Yin-itation and step on the path to sharing wild sacred feminine tools with others.

Receive 10% Off the full Facilitator Program in Greece & live events in Glastonbury.

Payment plans are available.   Let us know your needs here

✨ Enter the magic portal here ✨

Upgrade to VIP

For Very Inspired Priestesses!

Participate in the full program plus 2 personal one to one sessions with Sonja each month of the journey.

Register Here


Level 1 is just the beginning

Do you work in the area of yoga or healing? 

Would you like to bring a more wild,  intuitive and energetic dimension to your work?

Yin-itiation is the first level of a complete journey of empowerment. You will receive the skills to step up as a space holder & channel of sacred feminine healing energy. 

Please feel free to ask a question here 

Learn more about the facilitator program



When you are living your truth you are a gift to the world



There are 8 spaces for this intimate journey of deep empowerment

Are you ready to commit & step up but you feel inhibited by finances right now? Reach out below and let us know why you want o be part of this journey and you will be considered for one of the scholarship places.

Express your interest & tell us your story here

Meet your Guide   

 Sonja Maria Devi


An Australian born natural priestess, healer and educator; Sonja Maria Devi is the founder of the Wild Sacred Feminine Wisdom School. 

A practical virgo as well as a wild unconventional nomadic mystic. Sonja began her work as a healer at the tender age of 20, After many years of intensive self healing and exploration of tantric embodiment, she has gone on to develop her own style of healing embodiment practices & wisdom teachings of the deep feminine.

A woman on a mission

Believing that to change the world begins in the way that women relate to their own bodies, and to nature. Sonja supports women with the skills to heal, awaken and step up as the earth centred healers, leaders and space holders needed at this time of great change.



Could this be the empowerment that you have been looking for? Let's connect and see!

Have all your questions answered in a free 20 min zoom call.

So you are curious and would like to know more...

Fill in your details below and we will get back to you!


"Words cannot express how this work has helped me to accept who I am."

Ann- Empowerment Coach, Bristol UK

"I feel like a completely different person. I feel incredible finally having found my inner feminine through these exercises. This work is very powerful." 

 Raquel- Personal Trainer, London UK