Sonja Maria Devi

I am an Australian born natural priestess with 20 years experience in the healing and mystical feminine arts.

I have been living & studying in powerful spiritual energy centres throughout the world since 2000.Ā  My work as a an energy healer and priestess of the Sacred Feminine is informed by this and allows me to channel profound healing energy for the women who choose to work with me.

Wherever I am in the world I connect with mother nature on a daily basis; it isĀ through this intimacy with mother nature that I receive the inspiration and guidance for my life and all my offerings. I am here to serve the feminine rising through connecting women to the inherent sacredness & wisdom held in the feminine body

Read on to learn more about my life and what I am all about.

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Growing up in suburban Australia I remember feeling a sense of lack and isolation from a young age. I was hungry for something but I did not what it was. 
I now see that I was hungry for a deeper understanding of myself as a feminine being connected to the earth.

Life took me on a journey to receive these teachings in a unique way.
My journey took me all around the world ( a few times over) and into the deepest parts of myself,

( I had LOTS of adventures along the way which I would love to tell you about , scroll down to get some glimpses into my wild ride..)

My body is my temple & my teacher

I have always LOVED to dance and to feel FREE in my body. It is through this connection with my own body that I have come to find my own wisdom, to live it, to breathe it and to share it.

I began a daily yoga practice at 18, but it was a few years in to this journey that I found a more wild way to move. A more feminine, intuitive way to move. I found myself stepping away from traditional forms of yoga and meditation and on to a more personal and intuitive path...(read on below).

My qualifications & experience

  • I am a qualified Tao Tantra Facilitator (Tao Tantric Arts), Yoga Teacher ( 20 years of daily practice and qualifications in Shadow & Satyananda). I am an advanced Thai Yoga Massage therapist  and Instructor (The Sunshine network) and Holistic Health Coach ( Institute of Integrative Nutrition).
  •  In my 20's I had a successful private practice in London with clients ranging from millionaires’ and movie stars to housewives- and everything in between.
  • I am deeply informed by 20 years of dedicated spiritual practice and wild nature connection. I have been blessed with both official and unofficial apprenticeships with incredible mentors. I am in gratitude for these teachers..
  • I lived in India for 7 years immersed in a deeply personal and devotional study of meditation, yoga and tantra. I have assisted in numerous Tantra Teacher Trainings in Thailand & Bali since that time.
  • These days I continue my dedication to daily spiritual practice & ritual. I live my dharma and walk my talk. I have now been leading retreats & rituals for 10 years all over the world. This is the work I was born to do.




Sexual Healing and Sacred Sexuality practices

These practices prepare us to channel greater levels of energy and pleasure and utilise our creative life force as a medicine and a force for awakening.

For modern women seeking to heal from past trauma or breathe fresh life into their sexuality these are invaluable,  creative and nurturing  pathways to access our erotic innocence and inherent sensuality, sensitivity and confidence.

This includes

*Sacred Sexual Meditations

*The Jade or Yoni Egg

*Toaist Sexual Vitality techniques

 *Practices for 'de-conditioning' from old programs and creating new empowering ways of relating to sexual feelings and energy.

Great for, Low libido, being ‘in your head in bed’, numb sexual organs and/or inability to orgasm, unfulfilling sexual experiences and/or sexual trauma, PMS, body image issues, a feeling of not feeling juicy, excited or inspired by life


Feminine embodiment & empowerment practices

These practices tap us into our naturally ecstatic state as women.

These are practices that get us OUT of our heads and INTO our bodies and cultivate a sense of deep safety, connection and confidence in who we are.

This includes

* Skillful emotional release to release deeply held trauma and stagnation and invite fresh life force energy to nourish the body and mind.

* Activating the internal navigation system (connecting into inner guidance & feminine wisdom)

* Activating and circulating feminine energy through sensual flowing movement.

* Topping up our adrenal energy and the Art of Feminine Rejuvenation.

Great for Feeling of low self worth and disconnection from your body/partner/ your passion…inability to give and receive in healthy ways ..addictions of all kinds…Low energy, low confidence, inability to access inner guidance or create healthy boundaries, , difficulty in creating a happy healthy lifestyle.

Intimacy and conscious relating transformation

These are the pathways and practices that prepare us to create healthy loving conscious relationships and enjoy deeply nourishing sexual experiences.

This includes;

* Cracking the codes of your relationship patterns (so you don’t have to play them out unconsciously again and again )

* Moving through stuckness and defences and opening the body to greater levels of capacity for love, deep feeling and openness.

* Ninja Communication skills to move through conflict effectively and express needs and desires and create healthy boundaries and liberating clarity in all your relationships

Great for, Everyone who is in any kind of relationship (all of us) but particularly anyone who has difficulty in maintaining or attracting fulfilling relationships and / or inability to own and express needs and experience deep intimacy.


Glimpses of the wild ride I have been on to get here..

ā¯¤I have been self employed since age 20, I have travelled to over 40 countries as a nomadic yogini solo entrepreneur,teacher and therapist and I have never worked a day in the office.

ā¯¤My deep dive into sexual healing began spontaneously during a 40 day silent meditation retreat that I created for myself in a small hut in the foothills in the himalayas.

Dive into the juicy details here

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