Personal  Women’s Retreat Bali

With Sonja Maria Devi

















Heal your Womb

Transform and be reborn

A personalised Goddess Retreat just for you in...

Magical Jungle Bali 


Nestled in magical jungle by a sacred waterfall, fed by pure food and water and loving vibrations.
You will feel held in safe space and supported to heal, explore, transform and rebirth yourself into the deeply vital and sexually sovereign woman you were born to be.
This retreat will be a profound opportunity for any woman yearning to let go of patterns that are not based on love and nourishment (shame, addiction, self sabotage, disconnection from nourishing sexuality and difficulty in attracting healthy relationships).. experience a rebirth that will nourish every aspect of your life.
This is a unique experience for women yearning for time and space  for healing and deep rejuvenation.

Depending on your needs we will tailor make a healing package just for you including

Sensual Feminine Yoga & Tantra * Sexual Vitality Chi Gung * Womb Healing* Shamanic Healing & Intuitive bodywork * Feminine Rejuvenation * Yoni Egg

 You will stay in a lovely homestay, a quiet room with big bathroom in which you will be very comfortable just a short walk from the other activities of the day.

Daily Classes & Healing Sessions


High vibe food in Jungle Restaurant 

Purification in the local waterfall 

Time and Space for Deep Healing & Reflection



About your guide Sonja

Sonja Maria Devi is a Feminine Empowerment Teacher & Priestess with 10 years experience of offering Feminine Embodiment & Empowerment Workshops internationally. She has been based in Bali for 9 years and is honoured to offer clients a personal and rich experience of this sacred island.

A seasoned yoga teacher, Tao Tantra Facilitator, Holistic Coach and Thai Yoga Massage therapist, Sonja specialises in facilitating the release of tension, trauma and grief with sensual embodiment practices..

Learn more about Sonja and these practices here


What People are saying about our Retreats

"I arrived home feeling so much softer than when I left. Life is more easeful and I really feel like I have gained the tools to maintain and support being softer with myself and in my approach to life. I am more confident and feel like I have stepped up, that I am closer to my true self than ever before. It is such a powerful and comforting place to live from."


"You have changed my life!! you have changed me.. somehow you unlocked... me, ! The me thatโ€™s been hiding deep inside for so many years, that I just couldnโ€™t get to or allow to be. You showed me how beautiful it is to let life flow through you... how amazing it is to connect to myself and other women.... and so much more!"

New Zealand

Taking bookings for 2022/23 now


โ–ธ Pay in full or reserve with a 25% deposit...yes you can also pay in instalments please express your interest  here and I will respond to discuss the details.

Interested ? click here to express your interest and enquire about dates

So What Does the Retreat Include?

You might be wondering what exactly you'll be getting
with your retreat? Here's all the details.



What's Included 

๐ŸŒผ Airport transfer to and from the airport or from where you stay in Bali.

๐ŸŒผ 5 nights single occupancy accommodation at a lovely Homestay with big bathroom very close to where we will be meeting for classes and sessions.

๐ŸŒผA tailor made schedule to suit your personal needs and healing process.

๐ŸŒผ Daily Feminine Tantra Sessions.

๐ŸŒผ 2 Balinese massages from a local excellent therapist.

๐ŸŒผ3 x 2 hour healing sessions with Sonja

๐ŸŒผ  A trip to swim with dolphins.

๐ŸŒผ We will offer you advice on places to stay before and after the retreat and make sure you feel well and truly looked after as soon as you step out of the airport.


Not Included


๐ŸŒป Airfares Meals and accommodation prior to and after the retreat

๐ŸŒป Food is not included but there are 2 wonderful places to eat with each meal costing around $5

๐ŸŒป Travel insurance

๐ŸŒป Massages and treatments in addition to those included in the retreat program

๐ŸŒป Snacks between meals 

๐ŸŒปExtra services such as child care, enquire about availability and rates.







Frequently Asked Questions


What kind of woman comes to these retreats?

We attract women searching for a more fulfilling experience of being a woman, women of all ages and colours and types. 

Most women are surprised to find just how healing and transformative it is to HAVE SPACE TO BE, women report feel a sense of ‘coming home to themselves’. 

What kind of issues will this retreat address ?

Low energy, low confidence, numb sexual organs and/or inability to orgasm, unfulfilling sexual experiences and/or sexual trauma, PMS, menopausal symptoms, body image issues, a feeling of not feeling juicy, excited or inspired by life, lack of confidence, inability to access inner guidance or create healthy boundaries, difficulty in maintaining or attracting fulfilling relationships, difficulty in creating a happy healthy lifestyle.

Where is this retreat?
This exquisite venue is in a quiet jungle setting in the north of Bali ( 3 hours from the airport) in the valley of a large sacred waterfall in which you can bathe. 

What will I get?

You will get a place to rest, to rejuvenate, to learn, to heal, to thrive, to dance, to feel welcome and safe as you explore and release and shed layers and break out of old patterns and discover and claim new aspects of your body and yourself.

You will learn feminine techniques and practices that will guide you towards a deeper relationship with yourself, your femininity and the world around you.

Is Bali safe, is the water safe? What will we eat? Can I have my morning coffee? 

  We can assure you that you will feel unbelievably safe in this small village community. The water is pure spring water that you can trust. You will eat organic delicious vegetarian food at the local warung. Yes you can have your morning coffee if you want one or you can choose to be on a strictly cleansing diet to assist your purification.

Do I need a visa, will i be picked up from the airport?

If you come for less than a month you will not need a visa and YES we can organise airport pick up with a lovely friendly driver to bring you to the jungle ( its a 3.5 hour drive).



Can I bring my child and have child care for during my classes and sessions?

For these retreats it may be possible to organise child care for you with a local balinese woman ( all balinese women are the ultimate nannies :). The cost of child care will be in addition to the cost of the retreat, please check for more details.

What if I cannot afford it?

The costs of the retreat is an investment in your health and well-being. You are investing in a life changing and enhancing experience which is actually invaluable. please understand that the price quoted in already an awesome deal for the level of care you will receive and that you will be supporting the community and land with your investment.

Do you have any other questions?


BOOK YOUR FREE 20 MINUTES CALL on the Calendar BELOW for a
FREE 20 min Skype call with Shradha, together we can find out if the
 Retreat can support you in your journey.




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